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Sway Social

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As WeddingsOnline “Band of the Year” 2017, you can be sure that our Sway Social boys are in huge demand. Here’s the back story. Sway is composed of four lead singers who, from a love of music and the pull of friendship, decided to form a band in 2013. Not only look great, but their harmonies are the crème de la crème too.

The four guys have a massive amount of musical experience, from playing with popular notorious and beloved wedding band After Dark for a decade to our lead singer Gavin representing Ireland in The Eurovision and hanging with Dustin from the Den from time to time. Sway are our “old-school, way too talented for their own good” band and if Dustin’s stamp of approval isn’t enough, then check out their soundcloud or video right below these very words. Or see what their couples have to say about them here.

MusicAngel always says no band is perfect and although we do agree with our self-proclaimed prophecy, Sway Social are pretty damn close. 

Check Sway Social out by visiting their site or talking to the MusicAngel Team.

P.s Read THIS Evoke article to find out more about Sway’s big 2017 win!

4 guys, 4 instruments

Band of the Year 2017

Four lead singers

Live showcase every week
